
5 Memorization Techniques That Help You Learn Faster

Diamond to express the value of memorization techniques for learning fasterAre you looking for the perfect set of memorization techniques?

Yet, you keep getting frustrated?

Well, don’t blame yourself. Because it is frustrating, isn’t it?

I mean… everywhere you go people are using different terminology.


P.A.O. …

Mind Palace…

Roman Room…

Journey Method

Mnemonic Peg System…

How Real Are The Promises Of Memorization Techniques
For Students And Mature Learners?


Very real!

But we still have to deal with a lot of different terms. I mean, lets face it:

All those terms sometimes make the whole memory improvement world feel a bit like a hoax.

After all, even if science backs up the memorization techniques  we talk about on this blog 100%…

Why the heck can’t people get their terms straight!?!

Well, let’s get the painful truth about the world of memorization techniques out of the way:

Whether you want to know how to memorize a speech fast or are desperate for memorization techniques for studying

You’re going to come across a lot of different terms.

That’s just the way the world of memory improvement ticks (and other professions that rely on terminology). Things have been this way since humans started developing memorization techniques to help them survive.

And it’s only getting more complex!

But in reality, a lot of those techniques are essentially the same

Each and every one has a location-based element in one way or another.

That means that all memorization techniques are spatial.

And as Thales, the first person in the West to be considered a philosopher and scientist in the same body, said:

Megiston topos hapanta gar chorei

(Space is ultimate for it contains all things)

That’s the very cool thing about the discoveries here at the Magnetic Memory Method Podcast.

Once you understand this and practice with memorization techniques from this basis, your results will accelerate.

And the complexity eases down, even if there will still be ins and outs to consider.

And if you’re interested in more about the history of where mnemonics come from to help humans deal with complexity and how they used space to do it, please check out Lynne Kelly’s The Memory Code.

Just as we do here on this blog nearly every week, Lynne’s book will show you exactly how learning these techniques will help you deal with extreme complexity in modern life.

My course which you can subscribe to at the bottom of this post will take you through everything too. It’s free.

For now, let’s persist and do our best to get past all the confusing terminology.

Let’s talk instead about the…


5 Memorization Techniques You Can Use To Learn Anything Faster

1. The Memory Palace Technique

Ultimately, the memorization technique that will help most people the fastest is the Magnetic Memory Palace.

You’ll hear this technique called by different names, such as the “method of loci” or the Roman Room.

All you’re doing with this mnemonic device is turning a familiar location into a mental “journey.” You then place associative images along this journey so you can revisit them later according to a specific pattern.

This pattern is known as “Recall Rehearsal.” It lets you get information into long term memory quickly and with a high level of accuracy. This outcome happens because the Memory Palace technique lets you harness the power of:

  • The Serial Positioning Effect
  • The Primacy Effect
  • The Recency Effect
  • The Von Restorff Effect

Using all of these techniques combined can take a bit of practice, but if you’ve ever wanted to know how to to improve focus, this combination of techniques is the ultimate way to do it.

Of course, it helps too if you know about motivation in learning too, such as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

2. Multi-Sensory Association

Imagine walking into an exam that you know you will pass with 100% certainty.

It’s totally possible if you have the right memory techniques on your side. Like the Memory Palace technique.

(In this episode about Giordano Bruno, Scott Gosnell talks about how you can create a Memory Palace out of the examination room itself.)

But in order to use the Memory Palace well, you have to know how to place the best possible associations inside of them.

To do that, you need to look at the spellings and sounds of words and then creating links or stories in your Memory Palace.

This website is packed with mnemonic examples showing you how association works inside of a Memory Palace. Have a look at these details tutorials for a number of visual examples:


3. Acronyms


As one of the supporters of the Magnetic Memory Method once said:

Use the right memorization technique for the job or go H.O.M.E.

The acronym stands for:





And let me tell you, if you want to know how to remember things you read or learn a new language, you’ll want to use acronyms often.

4. Memory Techniques For Language Learning

Did you know that there are truckloads of proof that bilingualism is a brain and memory health strategy?

Not only is language learning an ongoing source of mental fitness, but you get the benefits of more socialization.

You can literally meet more people and get to know them more deeply.

This exposure to people enriches the brain with chemicals.

And the best part is that you can use the Memory Palace technique to help

However, you also want to add what I call The Big 5 of Learning.

Graphic illustration of the Big Five of Learning

This is based on the levels of processing effect, first identified in 1972 by Craik and Lockheart.

To benefit from it, you want to memorize vocabulary and phrases using the memorization techniques outlined above, and also:

  • Read
  • Write
  • Speak
  • Listen
  • From memory and into memory

Without using all of these levels, you won’t be getting enough of what scientists call “active recall.” It’s absolutely essential to making sure the techniques you choose work flawlessly.

5. The Major System & The Pegword Method

Start with the foundations of memorizing individual words and you will quickly learn to memorize entire phrases.

From there, you’ll want to add the ability to memorize numbers too.

The Major System is fun and easy to learn. It lets you turn any number into a word. Start by committing this simple system to memory:

A common approach to the Major Method, using numbers paired with letters.

Then practice turning two-digit numbers into words. For example 22 could be nun and 35 could be mail. It’s ideal to come up with a few words per two-digit combination.

After that, it’s just practice.

Next, add the pegword method. This memorization technique will let you have an association for each letter of the alphabet. You can also use the number of each letter of the alphabet for some “next level” learning at speed.

How To Benefit From The Abundance Of Memorization Techniques

Yes, there are a lot of terms out there as more and more people teach their favorite memorization technique.

But now you don’t have to get lost in the terminology.

Just find memory training and memory improvement courses you resonate with and trust.

Give those memory experts your attention.

Follow the instructions and recommendations.


You’ll be amazed by the memory improvement you experience.


You’ll be thrilled by the additional benefits using memory techniques brings.

Are you ready to be thrilled? Let me know in the discussion area below and then grab the Magnetic Memory Method Improvement Kit to get started today!
Magnetic Memory Method Free Memory Improvement Kit

4 Responses

  1. great piece Anthony, I have seen the benefits of the above, my neighbor recently had a disagreement with her children about were some money had gone….when I was called I was able to remember where each person was, what they were doing at a particular point ?….lol…to me everything is ” meat”??….keep up with the good work

  2. Hello Mr. Metivier, this is Aaron. We’ve emailed in the past, and though unfortunately I had fallen off the memory wagon for a few months, I am glad to say that I am back at it and with you and your teachings as my foundation, am ready to take this wonderful lifelong journey). Anyway, after listening to this episode (really fun and helpful by the way), in relation to you talking about terminology I have a question. I have the SuperLearner Udemy course by Jonathan Levi (I actually discovered you through him), and they talk about using markers for memory. My question is, what is the difference between “magnetic imagery” and “markers”?

    1. Thanks, Aaron.

      Magnetic Imagery is ultimately more nuanced and combines the best of the ancient art of memory with findings from the contemporary memory competition world and the most recent science. It’s designed for people who need long term retention within large, dedicated learning projects.

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Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at:

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