

Your memory improvement questions are important and I can’t wait to receive yours. There’s a simple form at the bottom of this page.

But if you’re looking for answers fast, you’re in luck because I’ve answered the most common questions in the videos on this FAQ page. That way, you’ll likely get an answer much faster.

For best results?

Take action on the answers provided here.

Here’s why this point is so important:

Memory techniques and mastering them primarily involves self-study. The Memory Palace technique and all it involves is done by the learner, usually alone and in silence. Everyone experiences memory improvement by learning and applying the ideas to their own personal practice… by practicing.

Never forget:

Action = Results.

If you’ve gone through the MMM Memory Improvement Kit, let me know what you’ve done on your own.

Better yet, send me a pic of one of your Memory Palaces. I love seeing them and completing at least one Memory Palace is a huge part of the secret to success.


Again, it’s all about taking action. Memory techniques are learned by doing.

And each of these videos, based on questions from people around the world, are designed to help you take action with the techniques so you can get the results you seek.

Enjoy these trainings and I look forward to hearing from you very soon! 🙂

What Does The Second Question In Your TEDx Talk Mean?

In my experience, the benefit of the question “how do my thoughts behave?” is to find out how you respond.

For example, if you start worrying about something and you ask how your thoughts are behaving, you might answer your own question with: “They are behaving worried.”

By memorizing and using this question, you establish the basis for an objective analysis not just of the thought’s content. But you can also analyze how it is operating (including its form).

Only you can answer the question, and the more you start to experience thinking as a behavior, the more you can contextualize the instances as kinds of behavior.

As we practice “labeling” them, they change character and may even fall away.

Essentially, I’m suggesting we see thoughts as behavioral patterns, ideally without creating a new story around them.

This simple practice will clear up your mind so that you can memorize many things faster and with greater ease.

How Do I Use A Memory Palace For Learning A Foreign Language? 

This is a great question and everything starts with learning how to memorize vocabulary.

Of course, there’s more to language learning than just that. You also want to understand how to become fluent in a language.

If it’s more than one language you’re after, here are tips on how to become a polyglot.

Here are more videos on the topic of using mnemonics and the Memory Palace technique for language learning:

Why Do Memory Techniques Use The Alphabet?

This is a great question and starts by understanding the nature of language.

Nearly everything we can remember is expressed using language. Language uses words and words are built from alphabets.

The “gematria” is a kind of alphabet that historically involved each letter also expressing a number and an object or animal. Early users of memory techniques either invented alphabets this way to help them learn faster, or they noticed this feature of alphabets and linked it to the Memory Palace technique.

Not much is known about the deepest historical origins, but we know from people like Ramon Llull and Giordano Bruno that they strategically used the alphabets in this way. They both incorporated gematria, particularly through the Hebrew alphabet.

For more on Giordano Bruno and a great deal of what we know about this particular aspect of the memory tradition, please listen to these conversations with Scott Gosnell about On the Composition of Images and John Michael Greer about On the Shadows of the Ideas.

Many of these texts are difficult for modern readers to understand, but I’ve done my best to help you get clarity on the history. Not much about the techniques have changed, but a lot about how they are taught has been improved.

The most important thing to understand is that information can be combined in multiple ways, and that is what the ancients understood. The Magnetic Memory Method combines the Memory Palace technique with this ars combinatoria (or technique of combination) so that you can rapidly create associations and place them in space for easy recall.

English Isn’t My Mother Tongue.
Can I Still Use The Memory Palace For Language Learning?

The Magnetic Memory Method is poly-lingual. You can use it no matter what languages you speak. The more the merrier! 🙂


I recommend you also use The Freedom Journal for Language Learning to help you focus. After all, bilingualism makes for a better brain.

Which Language Should I Focus On In My Memory Palaces?

Intuitively, it would seem that you should use your mother tongue for your Memory Palaces, but that would be wrong – or at least, wildly inefficient. Here’s exactly why you should always use the language you’re studying when using the Magnetic Memory Method for language learning.



How Do I Record & Store My Memory Palaces?

This is a great question. Here’s a video answer:

To give a bit more nuance on this topic, it’s important to understand that a good Memory Palace is already stored in your memory. That’s what makes the technique work so well, and the free memory kit available on this site introduces you to some core principles that make the process fun and easy.



Can I Reuse A Memory Palace?

Yes, but you might run into something called “The Ugly Sister Effect” or “ghosting. This written and audio tutorial will help you deal with the ghosts and Ugly Sisters and make them an asset instead of a problem.

You’ll find this video useful too:

How Do I Know How Many Magnetic Stations To Use?

How Do I Add More Stations

For more ideas, here are 5 Memory Palace Examples To Improve Your Memory Training Practice.

How Can I Memorize An Entire Book? 

To be honest, I don’t recommend it. I suggest listening to this podcast episode on How to Memorize A Textbook and watching the following video instead and using a more realistic approach, one that will create new knowledge for you, rather than chew up tons of time for little or nothing.



Why Should I Bother Improving My Memory?


How Can I Remember My Passwords? 


What Memory Improvement Books Do You Recommend? 


Here are more Memory Palace books I recommend.


Do You Have Any Testimonials? 


Yes, there are tons of testimonials on the Magnetic Memory Method Testimonials page. Here’s one of my favorites:



How Do I Use My Magnetic Memory Method
Memory Improvement Kit? 


Do You Offer Memory Improvement Coaching? 

On a limited basis, yes. You can book a strategy session here if you like.

To get a sense of what is possible from just one meeting with me, check out Lee Escobar’s experience:

How Do I Extend Or Make Changes To My Memory Palace? 


First, listen to this episode of the Magnetic Memory Method Podcast: How to Renovate A Memory Palace. Then watch this video:


How Do I Use Large Structures Like A University Campus To Make A Memory Palace?


How Do I Use Memory Techniques To
Remember Numbers And Equations? 


Everything begins and ends with the Major Method. Learn it, study these three most powerful memory techniques for memorizing numbers and make them a part of your daily life. You won’t regret it.



I Struggle With Concentration. Can You Help?




How Do I Find Time To Learn And Use All Of These Amazing Memory Techniques!?!




If these videos and links still haven’t addressed your concern or you’ve still got something tickling your brain about the Magnetic Memory Method, let me tell you that I’m …

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Enter your email below to get instant access to my FREE course that gives you a proven step-by-step process for remembering anything you want. You'll discover how to:

  • Speak any language fluently
  • Recall complicated formulas, math equations, or numbers.
  • Master the technical terms for your field of work or study.
  • Recite poetry, jokes, and even long speeches word-for-word
  • Quickly absorb the most important ideas from books, textbooks, or lectures...

Unlock your natural ability to learn and remember anything 3x faster now!


Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at: