
Harry Lorayne Memory Improvement And The Magic Of Mnemonics

Cover of Harry Lorayne's Instant Memory Course on Vinyl

Was Harry Lorayne The GODFATHER Of Memory Techniques For The 20th & 21st Century? 

(He must have been. The dude had memory courses on vinyl, after all.)

Although memory training has been around for millennia, it’s largely thanks to Lorayne that it has seen a huge resurgence in modern times.

Largely thanks to his influence, there are now countless books and materials about memory improvement, not to mention video courses, audio programs and, yes, resources like the Magnetic Memory Method Podcast.

Why does the name Harry Lorayne stand out so much?

A few reasons.

First, Lorayne wrote voluminously and gave countless presentations, often on hugely popular TV shows. Plus, he worked with world class advertisers. As a result, Lorayne spawned and popularized the modern industry of memory training.

Some of Lorayne’s success came down to how he kept his memory improvement books direct and simple.

But not too simple. Tony Buzan, for example, told me that when he got into mnemonics, Lorayne was the first person he sought out for consulting on what to do and how to do it.

So correct me if I’m wrong, but in terms of sheer visibility and quality, I think it’s safe to say that the answer to my opening question is a resounding, “yes.”

Harry Lorayne was the Mnemonic Godfather of modern memory training. Having passed away in 2023, thanks to his mastery of the written word and giving dynamic presentations, we have every reason to believe his influence will live on.


How Lorayne Survived A Terrible Childhood And Create A Memorable Career


The future didn’t always look so promising for Lorayne. Judging from his childhood conditions during the depression-era, it seemed that the odds were firmly stacked against him.

“I had an awful childhood. I’m a depression kid.” Lorayne shares in his 2012 interview with Michael Senoff. “I remember having a potato for dinner.”

He was also affected with dyslexia, which he only identified as such years later. This learning disability caused him to struggle and fail while in grade school.

But Harry Lorayne’s life took a different course when he discovered books on memory improvement.

As he told me in the exclusive interview he gave for Masterclass members, Lorayne discovered memory techniques in a dramatic way. We’ll talk about that in a moment.

For now, let’s be grateful that Lorayne did a lot more than just learn these memory methods so he could drastically improve his grades at school. He started teaching his classmates on how they too could become memory masters and massively improve their grades too. And once he started teaching, he never stopped.

From there, Harry Lorayne progressively became more and more successful. Lorayne has managed to emerge as one of the most famous and published magicians and memory experts of the century. Even into his 80s and 90s, Lorayne continued publishing books and teaching the world about memory, success and perseverance.


The Secret Ingredient That Made Harry Lorayne And His Memory Techniques Go “Viral”


Harry Lorayne was born of Jewish parents in 1926 in Manhattan’s Lower East Side, right near the East River.

Having come to the world only 3 short years before the Great Depression, Lorayne’s childhood was spent in impoverished and difficult circumstances. Most everyone was poor, and Lorayne was amongst the poorest of the poor.

Poverty colored all aspects of Harry Lorayne’s childhood, including his play. He recalls how with his childhood friends he would play in a garbage dump near where he lived. Lorayne recounts:

“The garbage became a petrified hill. They were long, petrified mountains of garbage, and that was our playgrounds. That’s what my friends and I played on when I was a little boy.”

School also proved to be difficult Lorayne. Due to his undiagnosed dyslexia, Lorayne received failing grades as a young boy. To make matters worse, his father had a heavy-handed way of dealing with his son’s school performance.

“I got the paper [test] home to my father to sign, and he would look at the failing grade, and he would punch me,” remembers Lorayne “I was scared. Not of getting failing grades, but of getting hit by my father.”


How Fear Created A Memory Solution That Would Help Millions Of People Improve Their Memory

Pushed to find a solution, a stroke of insight struck Lorayne one day on his walk to school.

“I just realized that at that point in my life, all you had to do was remember the darn answers to the questions, and then you’ll get a passing grade. And then, more importantly, your father won’t punch you.”

In other words, Lorayne understood that school was more about a test of how well you could memorize than a test of ‘intelligence’. As he says repeatedly in many of his interviews “There is no learning without memory.”

Lorayne soon headed to the library where he asked the librarian to show him where the books on “how to memorize” were kept.

There, he immersed himself for hours in how-to books on memorization. These included books from the 17th and 18th century, and works from modern memory trainers, such as David Roth.

Much of the material was not comprehensible for him at his young age. However, he understood enough to teach himself how to memorize things quickly and effectively using mnemonics techniques.

From that point on, he aced his tests at school, surprising his teachers and sparing him from his aggressive father.

His classmates took notice, and started to ask Lorayne how he managed to have improved his memorization so drastically. That marked the start of his career teaching others on how to memorize effectively.

Later, Lorayne would even have other people teaching his techniques for him. For example, the magician Darwin Ortiz talks about teaching for Lorayne in his Penguin Magic Live Lecture.

But long before being a teacher and helping others become teachers of memory techniques, Lorayne became a dropout during his first year of high school.

To make an income, Lorayne started performing memory tricks for small to medium sized audiences. He would impress crowds by memorizing magazine pages, decks of cards or large lists of names.

His original intention in doing these shows was to attract students to hire him for memory training. He found little success in doing so, but his shows led him to be noticed by an agent.

The agent started Lorayne on a path of presenting to larger and larger audiences. By 1958, Lorayne was presenting on national television, including shows such as The Ed Sullivan Show, The Merv Griffin Show and Good Morning America. Lorayne performed on the The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson no less than 24 times.

As if that wasn’t enough, Lorayne also entertained as a magician and wrote many books about sleight of hand. He also published other magicians in a regular publication called Apocalypse.

One of his most famous memory feats include memorizing each of the names of crowds of up to 1500 people. As much as 20 minutes later, he would be able to name each of the audience’s names when prompted. He is also known for having memorized an entire phone book.

But Lorayne didn’t make his name off of entertaining others with memory tricks alone. Instead, he became famous by teaching others how to use these techniques and improve their own memories.

This Memory Improvement Solution Could End
Your Memory Troubles Forever


Harry Lorayne has sold millions of copies of his many books teach people around the world on how to replicate his memorization ability. Many actors and other public figures have publicly acknowledged using Lorayne’s methods. These include New York city mayor Michael Bloomberg, Secretary of State Colin Powell and actor Alan Alda.

Harry Lorayne’s method is based on image associations. This is where the memorizer associates an image with the piece of information that they’d like to remember.

Lorayne’s methods are based on the idea that all memory can be broken down into associations of two entities. As Lorayne puts it:

“That’s what I teach, how to make one thing remind you of another.”

This is similar to how fellow memory expert Nelson Dellis explains it, but with a multi-sensory twist. These are the same association techniques Magnetic Memory Method student Marno Hermann used to memorize 1200 digits of Pi.

Lorayne’s method also extends the technique to non-physical and non-visual concepts, such as numbers. His teachings guide students on how to visualize numbers physically so as to remember them.

He does this by teaching students to associate numbers 1 through 9 with specific letters (a technique known widely as either the Major Method or Major System).

With this technique, any number can be connected with at least one word. By associating numbers with a physical word, numbers are given a physical quality. As compared to the abstract concepts that are numbers, physical qualities can more easily be used as mnemonics.

Lorayne also underlines the importance of paying attention. His method includes teachings on how to concentrate and focus on the information students are trying to memorize. “We are all born with the same capacity for memory,” he says. “It’s a question of having a trained memory, or an untrained memory”

One thing that many note about Lorayne’s work, however, is that his teaching seems not to cover the Memory Palace Method technique.

No one is quite sure why, but my feeling is that in some integral manner, memorizing the names of each person in a large crowd must use location in one way or another.

Unless the individuals change location, a mnemonist performing a feat like this most certainly taps into the power of a repeated location, if only unconsciously. There is a link between the where the information was memorized and where the mnemonist goes to recall it.

What Will Harry Lorayne’s Contribution To Helping You Create Instant Memories Will Bring To Your Future?


The answer is: Success.

In addition to his immense contribution to memorization training, Harry Lorayne has made significant contributions to the field of magic.

As I mentioned, he’s written over 30 books on card tricks.

As a world recognized magician, Lorayne has invented and refined techniques which are now widely used by current-day amateur and professional magicians. And many magicians have consulted his memory books for help with their memdeck work, like memorizign the Tamariz stack.

Lorayne’s life and career shows us how even barriers which many would consider insurmountable can be overcome.

His landmark contributions to memory training is an essential tome in the library of memorization techniques. Even now that Harry Lorayne has passed away, I’m sure his legacy will live on.

He was a living legend of memory mastery, proving what Winston Churchill said: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts”

Is there Anything Missing From Lorayne’s Memory Training?

Yes, as a matter of fact.

Much to the puzzlement of many memory training students, Lorayne does not like the Memory Palace technique. His suggestions for mnemonic images are often vague and generic too, though they are better in his final book, Ageless Memory.

I think it’s his best book, but what’s really missing is not some intellectual noodling over Memory Palaces.

What’s missing for so many people is what Lorayne was good at: getting you to pay attention to the teaching and apply mnemonics to your everyday life.

He’s inspired me to do that too, so if you’d like to learn more about how I’ve evolved some of the techniques I learned directly from Harry, you’re very welcome to get my free course here:

Magnetic Memory Method Free Memory Improvement Course

I hope you enjoyed this profile of Harry Lorayne and will take the time to enjoy his many wonderful contributions to the art of memory.

Because Harry was right. Memory is ageless. And only you can make it that way.

Further Resources

The Memory Book

Ageless Memory

Super Memory – Super Student: How To Raise Your Grades In 30 Days

Jonathan Levi On ADD, Education & His TEDTalk Memory Palace

Idriz Zogaj On the Truth About Memory Training Apps

20 Responses

  1. He explains in his book “How to develop a super memory” how he remember names and faces.

    There’s no need of a “Memory Palace.”

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, David.

      Have you used Lorayne’s techniques to memorize the names of a large group of people? I’d be very curious to know if you have any sense of spatial memory coming into play while performing recall. Look forward to your response! 🙂

      1. I use Lorayne’s techniques for the names of new people I meet.

        He uses a “similar” form of “Memory palace” with the features of the faces of people:

        From his book, “How to develop a super memory”:

        “Whenever you meet someone new, look at his face and
        try to find one outstanding feature. This could be anything;
        small eyes, large eyes, thick lips, thin lips, high forehead,
        low forehead, lines or creases on the forehead, long
        nose, broad nose, wide nostrils, narrow nostrils, large ears,
        small ears, ears that stand away from the head, dimples,
        clefts, warts, mustache, lines on the face, large chin, receding
        chin, type of hairline, jutting chin, small mouth, large
        mouth, teeth—just about anything.

        You are to pick the one thing that seems most outstanding
        to you. It may not be the most outstanding feature;
        someone else may choose something entirely different. This
        isn’t important; the thing that stands out to you is the thing
        that will be obvious and outstanding when you meet this
        person again. The point that is important is that as you’re
        looking for this one outstanding feature, you must pay
        attention to and be interested in the face as a whole.

        You’re observing and etching this face into your memory.
        When you have decided on the outstanding feature, you
        are ready to associate the name to that particular part of the

        Thanks Anthony for the answer.

        I write you before that when I work, I will buy the “Magnetic Method”, well I have work, so the next month maybe i buy it.

        1. This is fantastic, David. Thanks for supplying the quote. Plus, you make an excellent point that the face is itself a kind of location with multiple micro-stations. It’s a powerful observation.

          Thanks too for your interest in the Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass. I look forward to welcoming you as a participant and interacting with you through the training. 🙂

  2. The first book I ever read on memory was one that Harry and Jerry Lucas wrote together. It is the book that got me interested in memory and since then I have read numerous authors on the subject and consider Harry and you the very best. You have a lot in common with Harry and I think that is why I have enjoyed your books and podcast so much.

    1. Wow – thanks for the kind words, Jim!

      I really like that you’ve read multiple authors on memory techniques and mnemonics. I think that is very important. If you have a moment, I’d love to know more about the books you’ve read. I may have missed some or don’t yet have certain titles on the backlist. I’m always reading as much as I can. I’m currently preparing a “book report” on The Art of Memory by Francis Yates. It’s great, but kind of alarming that so much research went into the history of skills that the author never tried. Then again, perhaps that’s why the book is so good: it has a more objective edge.

      Thanks again for stopping by and commenting. 🙂

  3. Great post. The heritage of memory techniques is a wonderful study. Ever hear of the Feinaglers, or the Roth memory course?

    1. Thanks for the comment, Jeff.

      I have the Roth course and will be eventually doing a full review. But I haven’t heard of the Feinaglers and wasn’t able to find anything by searching that name apart from hardware memory. Please let me know more about what this is when you have a chance and thanks again for taking the time to comment. 🙂

  4. Hi,
    This is Jeff Thomas and years ago I bought Harry’s system and it has been lost throughout the years. Is it possible to re buy his system or is only books now?
    Thanks much for your response.

    1. Sounds like a great question for Harry, Jeff. Have you tried contacting him?

      You can also look at Amazon, Ebay and other online resources to see if the original product you purchased is still available. 🙂

  5. Dear Anthony Metivier:

    I recall obtaining and reading the Harry Lorayne/Jerry Lucas “The Memory Book” back in the late ’70’s or early ’80’s, however, I have long since misplaced or lost that so very valuable guide…

    I am now wondering if there is a better book/guide out there that I can purchase, be it authored by Mr. Lorayne or another…As I continue to “mature”, I feel I need a refresher… 🙂 …

    Would you be willing to recommend the most current/best book on mnemonic techniques…?…

    Thank You Sincerely!

    T.A. Kogstrom

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for your question, Timothy.

      The best way to answer it is with another question:

      In what specific ways do you want to experience memory improvement? (Math, names, for language learning, etc.?)

      In my view, re-reading The Memory Book would be a good idea, but if you have specific goals, there might be better suggestions.

      Or if you don’t know the power of having a specific learning goal for lasting memory improvement that will not fade, I would recommend The Memory Connection.

      Thanks again for your question and please do let me know more about your learning goals.

  6. I have “dipped” into Harry Lorayne’s techniques from time to time in the past (but not consistently!)

    I have recently started to teach myself to play piano, using some instructional DVDs. Are there any memory techniques that help to memorize the chords and melody notes of songs from their sheet music?

    1. Thanks, Ken.

      Consistency is the key when learning memory techniques from any teacher.

      How to memorize a song will help you to a certain extent.

      There are more ideas in the MMM Masterclass, but it is not the express purpose of this training to talk about memorizing music. However, if you go through everything, practice and apply what I do say about music, you will improve.

      Again, however, consistency is the key. We know from neuroscience that 90 days of practice is a bare minimum. Most people can learn these techniques in a weekend, and those who are consistent develop an incredible skill that applies to all of life’s many forms of information.

  7. It was 2009 when I saw the book sold along side the road, Super Power Memory by Harry Lorayne. I decided right away to buy it.

    Before that time I had struggled with the issue of memory for about 7 years. How did my interest in memory start? It came from the man known as Pr Randy Skeet, A seventh Day Adventist Preacher from USA who could preach without notes and could memorize biblical texts verbatim. I was his translator from English to Swahili. I asked Pr Skeet how does he manage to memorizing such a lot of biblical texts. He pointed to rote memorization, repeating some information (biblical verses) over and over again.

    This method could not work. As soon as I did, next day I found myself totally forgetful, and it was tiresome. Then the day came when I found the book superpower memory, that was a dramatic change to my memory and ministry. That was the start of memory interest and skyrocketing of amazing things that I did.

    First, I found it easier memorizing of texts. I found the linking method. I used in memorizing the speech and biblical texts. I found the method how to memorize names and faces, I found the peg system, how to memorize numbers. I used these systems for many years and other materials of people like Ron White and Dominic O’Brien, until one day I found your memory training, Dr Anthony Metivier.

    The difference I discovered was that Harry Lorayne’s materials suit those who have started learning memory. But those who needs to memorize tons of information you cannot depend on linking method to memorize dozens of poems. I have come to realize this, because now am in the project of memorizing more than 200 poems. This is impossible if you depend on linking method.

    Now I have more than 50 memory palaces but my plan is to reach more than 1000. My plan is that in every category of alphabet I will have 100 memory palaces. This is because my memory vision is to “become a walking encyclopedia that provides for my spiritual as well as my community needs.”

    Therefore I thank elder Harry Lorayne for opening my eyes to the world of memory and his methods have helped me to some extents, I cannot ignore that fact. But right now I have come to realize with the project of poem memorization, Memory palaces method is mandatory. So thanks to Harry Lorayne and thank You Dr. Anthony Metivier. You are such a great blessing to me.

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Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at:

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