
About the Magnetic Memory Method

Anthony Metivier portrait for Magnetic Memory Method

Welcome To The Beginning Of A New & Improved Relationship To Your Memory

Welcome to the Magnetic Memory Method website! I’m Dr. Anthony Metivier and I’m thrilled that you’re here.

Many people worry about their memory. Whether it’s struggling to recall names, constantly losing things or feeling overwhelmed while studying for exams or learning languages, it’s natural to feel anxious.

Struggling to learn is a serious challenge – one that traditional education only sometimes addresses. Certainly not enough as it should.

That’s why after learning to use memory techniques myself in graduate school, I decided to help people overcome memory challenges of every possible kind.

My Background

I hold a PhD in Humanities from York University in Canada. My BA and MA were also completed at York, and I earned a second MA at the European Graduate School in Switzerland. I have taught at York, Rutgers in New Jersey and the University of Saarland in Germany where I was a Mercator guest professor.

My scholarly background provided me with a deep understanding of many cognitive processes and the research skills I’ve applied to understanding memory techniques throughout time and how they’ve been used around the world.

Why I’m Best Suited To Help You Achieve Your Memory Improvement Goals

Simply put, I care.

I feel that I expressed why I care so much about helping people with memory when I was invited to deliver a TEDx Talk in Melbourne, Australia. It has since been viewed over 3.5 million times. In this talk, I explore what I believe to be one of the highest goals of memory training: combining improved cognitive function by combining memory training with mindfulness techniques.

I extended the message of this talk in my book, The Victorious Mind. It reached #1 in memory improvement on Amazon. You can find it and most of my memory improvement books on my Amazon author page.

The Victorious Mind Audiobook Cover for Audible

Prior to delivering this talk and releasing The Victorious Mind, Tony Buzan, who founded the World Memory Championships, awarded me the “Warrior of the Mind” emblem for “Outstanding Contributions to Global Mental Literacy.


Anthony Metivier with Tony Buzan
Anthony Metivier with Tony Buzan

Having Buzan give me this award was a huge honor, especially since his work on mind mapping and memory influenced me so much.

As I told Forbes Magazine when they interviewed me, mind mapping is yet another powerful means of improving your memory. Reflective thinking and other aspects of critical thought and creativity too.

Bring all of these activities together creates a kind of perfect circle: the stronger your memory, the better you’ll think. The more efficiently you can think, the more creative you’ll be and the faster you’ll make decisions. Better memory is like the one ring that binds all of these areas of mental performance together.

My Approach To Memory Improvement

To bring you the best information possible, I combine three things on this website:

As you can tell, my approach is evidence-based, science-backed and devoted to helping you develop and maintain your mental sharpness.

Is it any good? I believe it’s best to let people who have taken my courses explain. Such as David S. Matthews, who wrote:

David S Matthew Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass testimonial after graduating from law school

For dozens of additional success stories from students who have completed my flagship memory course, the Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass, feel free to visit my testimonials page. I look forward to adding your success story.

Professional Achievements

My work has been featured in notable places such as Forbes, TEDx, Learning How to Learn, the Chinese Language Institute in Guilin and more.

Over the years, organizations have invited me to teach live memory seminars in places as far flung as Berlin, Brisbane and many places between.

Anthony Metivier using a Memory Palace to remember names at a live event

As part of my live training, I usually demonstrate just how quickly memory techniques work by memorizing the names of everyone in attendance.

Usually, however, people want to learn about how to apply the memory techniques I teach to learning languages, obtaining certifications or passing exams. It always delights me to help people achieve these goals much faster and with greater ease.

Anthony Metivier teaching memory techniques in Guilin China, inspired by Jonathan D. Spence's study of Matteo Ricci

Serving entrepreneurs also holds a special place in my heart. To succeed in business, it’s important to remember many details and maintain the highest possible levels of cognitive awareness.

tips for memorizing a speech examples from Dr. Anthony Metivier delivering a presentation in Berlin, Germany

Some Of The Most Important Tutorials On This Site

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started on the journey to improving your memory, I recommend going through these key tutorials:

I’ve selected these posts for a simple reason. When you use mnemonics, the key techniques involve connecting associations for words, numbers and names to places in space. People have been doing this for thousands of years.

In addition, here are some of the key interviews on my podcast you will enjoy for cultivating a deeper understanding of how to improve your memory. These memory experts know their stuff:

Let’s Connect

I love engaging with my readers, course participants and followers.

Feel free to reach out to me through my contact page, YouTube channel, Facebook, X or LinkedIn.

Thank you for visiting. I look forward to exploring the most effective strategies for establishing and maintaining cognitive excellence throughout life with you!



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  • Speak any language fluently
  • Recall complicated formulas, math equations, or numbers.
  • Master the technical terms for your field of work or study.
  • Recite poetry, jokes, and even long speeches word-for-word
  • Quickly absorb the most important ideas from books, textbooks, or lectures...

Unlock your natural ability to learn and remember anything 3x faster now!


Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at: