
Morse Code Words: What They Are And How To Remember Them

morse code words feature imageRapidly recognizing words in Morse Code is pretty easy.

The problem is that serious users of Morse Code use a ton of abbreviations.

Finding lists of them is easy enough.

But instructions on how to remember them?

Especially when there are so many?

Until now, that’s been very tough.

But you’re on the Magnetic Memory Method blog now.

This is the world’s premier website for providing you with exactly what it takes to rapidly learn Morse Code and all of the abbreviations.

So if you’re ready for a deep dive into the Morse Code words and how to memorize them, let’s dive in!

The Ultimate List of Morse Code Words

Telegraphers have used abbreviations since the technology was invented. But first you have to learn the code.

Below you’ll find examples and mnemonic images you can use to rapidly remember the dot and dash patterns for the entire alphabet.

The theory here is to pick words that resemble how the Morse Code sounds. In other words, “Apu” for “A” gives you a short A sound to represent the dot, and extending the “pu” gives you the dash.

For best results, speak each example out loud and really stress the shortness and longness of the Morse Code syllables as you learn them.

Note that some of these suggestions come from or are inspired by my friend and memory expert Nelson Dellis. Here’s his full list with examples of how he stresses them.

The key difference here?

I suggest you use specific words that point to figures you’re aware of and that easily come to mind. Not just some of the time, as Nelson does. But all of the time. That way you’ll train your procedural memory to use mnemonics at a much higher level every time you use them.

So when you see “Bob” in the list below, I’m actually thinking about Bill Murray in What About Bob? This makes each image so much stickier than a generic idea of a guy named “Bob.” For Hippity hop, it’s Eminem rapping, Ian is Ian Mackaye, etc.

With that in mind, let’s get started.

  • A = Apu from The Simpsons (.-)
  • B = Bob is the man (-…)
  • C = Coca Cola (-.-.)
  • D = Don did it (-..)
  • E = Eye (.)
  • F = Fletch the Fireman (..-.)
  • G = Godzilla (–.)
  • H = Hip-pity Hop (….)
  • I = Ian (..)
  • J = In Jaws Jaws Jaws (.—)
  • K = JFK dressed as a kangaroo (-.-)
  • L = Los Angeles (.-..)
  • M = Mackie Messer (–)
  • N = Nikki (-.)
  • O = Oh my god (—)
  • P = A praying Abe (.–.)
  • Q = God Save the Queen (–.-)
  • R = Rotator cuff (.-.)
  • S = Superman (…)
  • T = Tim (-)
  • U = Uniform (..-)
  • V =  Victory V (…-)
  • W = The World War (.–)
  • X = Xylophone rap (-..-)
  • Y = You are a cool dude (-.–)
  • Z = Za za Gabor (–..)

How to Remember Morse Code

Although you can certainly use flashcards or Anki, by far the best way to remember all of these patterns is to use Morse Code Mnemonics.

By placing the patterns in a Memory Palace, you’ll not only be able to learn all of these words faster, you’ll also be able to place all of the abbreviations in your memory as well.

The Ultimate List of Morse Code Abbreviations

Unlike traditional writing and speaking, it takes too long to send messages in Morse Code without abbreviations to speed up your communication. This is especially true because you need to include temporal space between individual dits and dahs (dots and dashes). You also have to leave a significant amount of time between words so people can receive and interpret the Morse Code you send them.

Morse Code words are typically based on The Phillips Code. It has been historically favored by the telegraphers who worked for news agencies like The Associated Press. That said, this list is fully updated so that you don’t wind up learning abbreviations from the commercial code era.

Here are a ton of abbreviations you’ll need to master communicating in Morse Code.

Mnemonic Words For A

  • AWF = awful
  • AUMB = automobile
  • ACX = across
  • AFN = afternoon
  • ARJ = around
  • AX = ask
  • AA = all after
  • AB = all before
  • ADS = address
  • AGN = again
  • AR = end of transmission
  • AS = wait

Mnemonic Words For B

  • BN = been
  • BNG = bring
  • BGA = began
  • BGN = begun
  • BG = being
  • BV = believe
  • BTR = better
  • BC = because
  • BDA = birthday

Mnemonic Words For C

  • C = correct (as in yes, affirmative)
  • CA = came
  • CLO = close
  • CNC = chance
  • CM = come
  • CL = call
  • CLD = called
  • CLOD = closed
  • CLOG = closing
  • CLOS = closes
  • CLR = clear
  • CO = company
  • CHG = charge
  • CHGG = charging
  • CHDG = charged
  • CHGS = charges
  • CTY = city
  • CT = connect
  • CRS = cares
  • CRD = cared
  • CFL = careful
  • CBN = celebration
  • CBY = celebrity
  • CCL = cancel
  • CD = could
  • CF = chief
  • CAP = capital
  • CQD = all stations distress signal

Mnemonic Words For D

  • DNG = danger
  • DS = discuss
  • DSB = disturb
  • DLY = delivery
  • DOLS = dollars
  • DT = do not
  • DSV = deserve
  • DAS = days
  • DD = did

Mnemonic Words For E

  • EY = every
  • EQL = equal
  • EXM = examine
  • EXMD = examined
  • EXMG = examining
  • EXQ = excuse
  • EXK – expect
  • XAC = exact
  • XC = excite
  • XGH = extinguish
  • XH = exhaust
  • XJ = explain
  • XLT = excellent
  • XM = extreme
  • XPT = export
  • XS = exist
  • XU = exclude
  • XUV = exclusive

Mnemonic Words For F

  • FB = good
  • FB = fine business
  • FHT = fight
  • FOJ = Fourth of July
  • FO = for
  • FVT = favorite
  • FW = follow
  • FWD = forward
  • FXG = fixing
  • FZ = freeze
  • FNZ = frozen
  • FU = few
  • FAX = facts
  • FMX = famous
  • FM = from

Mnemonic Words For G

  • GV = give
  • GVG = giving
  • GA = gave
  • GN = gone
  • GG = going
  • GP = group
  • GPS = groups
  • GR = ground
  • GL = girl
  • GNI = goodnight
  • GS = guess

Mnemonic Words For H

  • HNDL = handle
  • HD = had
  • HP = hope
  • HR = here
  • HI = high
  • HO = hold
  • HOS = holds
  • HOG = holding
  • HOM = home
  • HS = his
  • HP = hospital
  • HPN = happen

Mnemonic Words For I

  • II = I repeat, ditto
  • ICM = income
  • INX = instruct
  • INXD = instructed
  • INXG = instructing
  • ILT = illustrate
  • IM = immediately
  • IP = improve
  • IPO = impose
  • IVA = invade
  • IVT = invite
  • IVG = investigate
  • IW = it was
  • IX = it is
  • IV = in view

Mnemonic Words For J

  • JS = just
  • JG = judge
  • JU = jury
  • JWY = jewelry
  • JT = joint
  • JN = join
  • JND = joined

Mnemonic Words For K

  • KD = kind
  • KDY = kindly
  • KG = king
  • KP = keep
  • KW = know
  • KWG = knowing
  • KN = known

Mnemonic Words For L

  • LST = list
  • LSN = listen
  • LAF = laugh
  • LAG = language
  • LAS = last
  • LF = life
  • LG = long
  • LGR = longer
  • LGL = legal
  • LIT = little
  • LK = like
  • LRJ = large
  • LRN = learn
  • LTR = letter
  • LUK = look
  • LV = leave
  • LVS = leaves

Mnemonic Words For M

  • MNY = many
  • MS = most
  • MV = move
  • MST = must
  • M = more
  • MD = made
  • MDL = middle
  • MG = manage
  • MGD = managed
  • MGG = managing
  • MGR = manager
  • MIN = minute
  • MIT = might
  • MK = make
  • ML = mail
  • MNG = morning
  • MOD = modern
  • MON = money
  • MO = month
  • MMY = memory
  • MT = meet
  • MTR = matter
  • MYN = million
  • MYS = mystery

Mnemonic Words For N

  • NTG = nothing
  • NX = next
  • N = net
  • NA = name
  • NAD = named
  • NAS = names
  • NBR = neighbor
  • NBH = neighborhood
  • ND = need
  • NL = natural
  • NLY = naturally
  • NOR = normal
  • NXK = next week
  • NV = never
  • NRY = nearly
  • NUS = news
  • NI = night
  • NTC = notice

Mnemonic Words For O

  • OD = order
  • OFR = offer
  • OFS = office
  • OG = organize
  • OGD = organized
  • OGS = organizes
  • OGL = original
  • OJ = object
  • OM = omit
  • OMS = omits
  • OMD = ommitted
  • OQ = occupy
  • OQG = occupying
  • OQD = occupied
  • OQN = occupation
  • OS = oppose
  • OSS = opposes
  • OSG = opposing
  • OST = opposite
  • OTR = other
  • OU = our
  • OWZ = otherwise
  • OV = over
  • O = of
  • OA = of a
  • OAC = on account of
  • OB = obtain
  • OBS = obtains
  • OBD = obtained
  • OC = o’clock
  • OCU = occur
  • OCUD = occurred
  • OCUG = occurring
  • OT = old timer
  • OB = old boy

Mnemonic Words For P

  • PGH = photograph
  • PAP = paper
  • PBY = probably
  • PBM = problem
  • PCD = proceed
  • PCH = purchase
  • PD = paid
  • PDU = produce
  • PEO = people
  • PCS = pieces
  • PFT = perfect
  • PG = progress
  • PGH = paragraph
  • PGM = program
  • PH = perhaps
  • PHB = prohibit
  • POS = possible
  • PSJ = passage
  • PSS = passes
  • PS = pass
  • PSN = person
  • PU = public
  • PVI = provide
  • PVNT = prevent
  • PX = price
  • PXS = prices
  • PW = power
  • PZ = prize
  • PXT = protect

Mnemonic Words For Q

  • QK = quick
  • QKY = quickly
  • QT = quite
  • QU = quiet
  • QUY = quietly
  • QSN = question
  • QR = quarter

Mnemonic Words For R

  • R = I copy you 100% percent (understood)
  • RA = raise
  • RC = receive
  • RCD = received
  • RCG = receiving
  • RD = read
  • RDG = reading
  • RDR = reader
  • RDS = reads
  • RDO = radio
  • REPT = repeat
  • REPG = repeating
  • RF = refer
  • RFU = refuse
  • RG = regular
  • RGD = regard
  • RH = reach
  • RLF = relief
  • RHT = right
  • RV = remove
  • RVS = removes
  • RCT = receipt
  • RVR = river
  • RWD = reward
  • RX = recommend
  • RY = railway
  • RZ = result

Mnemonic Words For S

  • SAP = soon as possible
  • SBM = submit
  • SBMD = submitted
  • SCA = scare
  • SCB = subscribe
  • SCN = subscription
  • SCL = school
  • SZN = season
  • SD = should
  • SDN = sudden
  • SED = said
  • SEG = saying
  • SES = says
  • SEN = seen
  • SFY = satisfy
  • SFY = satisfactory
  • SIM = similar
  • SJ = subject
  • SK = success
  • SKD = succeed
  • SKJ = schedule
  • SLF = self
  • SM = some
  • SMA = small
  • SMB = somebody
  • SMG = something
  • STI = sometime
  • SN = soon
  • SNC = since
  • SND = send
  • SNR = sooner
  • SPK = spoke
  • SPKN = spoken
  • SPL = special
  • SPQR = speaker
  • SPO = suppose
  • SSB = single side band
  • STG = strong
  • STGR = stronger
  • STY = steady
  • SU = sure
  • SUG = suggest
  • SX = dollars
  • SVC = service
  • SVE = serve
  • SZN = season

Mnemonic Words For T

  • T = the
  • TAN = tan
  • TBL = trouble
  • TCH = touch
  • TDE = trade
  • TDY = today
  • TEY = territory
  • TFK = traffic
  • TFR = transfer
  • TG = Thing
  • TGH = telegraph
  • TH = those
  • TNX = thanks
  • THRU = through
  • THO = though
  • THQ = thick
  • THR = their
  • TI = time
  • TK = take
  • TKG = taking
  • TKN = taken
  • TM = them
  • TEM = temperature
  • TMT = transmit
  • TN = then
  • TNK = think
  • TPH = telephone
  • TPN = transportation
  • TR = there
  • TPW = typewriter
  • TSE = these
  • TS = this
  • TT = that
  • TWD = toward
  • TY = they

Mnemonic Words For U

  • UFB = ultra fine business
  • UNC = uncertain
  • UGT = urgent
  • UK = understand
  • UKG = understanding
  • UKN = unknown
  • UL = usual
  • UN = until
  • UND = under
  • UNL = unless
  • UNU = unusual
  • UNA = unable
  • UPN = upon
  • URS = yours
  • USF = useful
  • UTZ = utilize

Mnemonic Words For V

  • VAL = value
  • VAY = variety
  • VB = valuable
  • VF = verify
  • VFB = very fine business
  • VNQ = vanish
  • VO = vote
  • VSB = visible
  • VST = visit
  • VU = view
  • VY = very

Mnemonic Words For W

  • W = with
  • WA = word after
  • WB = word before
  • WAT = water
  • WC = welcome
  • WC = wilco, will comply
  • WD = would
  • WEA = weather
  • WEK = weak
  • WG = wrong
  • WGH = weigh
  • WGT = weight
  • WUS = worse
  • WH = which
  • WHI = while
  • WHL = whole
  • WJ = wound
  • WI = will
  • WK = week
  • WL = well
  • WN = when
  • WO = who
  • WOS = whose
  • WR = were
  • WRD = word
  • WY = why
  • WRH = worth
  • WRI = write
  • WRO = wrote
  • WRN = written
  • WS = was
  • WRK = work
  • WT = what
  • WX = wait

Mnemonic Words For Y

  • Y = year
  • YA = yesterday
  • YAM = yesterday morning
  • YAP = yesterday afternoon
  • YAV = yesterday evening
  • YL = young lady
  • YO = years old
  • YR = year

Mnemonic Words For The Days Of The Week

  • MDA = Monday
  • TUY = Tuesday
  • WDA = Wednesday
  • THD = Thursday
  • FRI = Friday
  • SATY = Saturday
  • SDY = Sunday

Mnemonic Abbreviations For Months In Morse Code

  • F = January
  • G = February
  • H = March
  • J = April
  • K = May
  • M = June
  • July = N
  • Q = August
  • U = September
  • V = October
  • X = November
  • Z = December

Understanding Cut Numbers

Cut numbers are not abbreviations as such. They involve replacing numbers with letters. 5nn, for example, would mean 599. You should only use them if you know that your recipient will understand that you intend to send numbers through the communication.

A possible point of confusion here is that not every number has a consonant. You might also get confused if you already use the Major System.

Keeping these potentially confusing aspects in mind, the cut numbers you’ll normally encounter are:

  • 0 = T
  • 1 = A
  • 2 = U
  • 3 = V
  • 4 = 4
  • 5 = E
  • 6 = 6
  • 7 = B
  • 8 = D
  • 9 = N

Dealing with Morse Code Sentences

Your best bet when learning to deal with Morse Code phrases is to:

  • Write them frequently while listening and as preparation when you aren’t
  • Think about them often
  • Speak them out loud
  • Try to work out new words in Morse Code that you haven’t used before

You can also do fun things like translating license plates you see when you’re out and about into Morse Code sentences.

Although the outcome will be meaningless, this exercise will sharpen your ability to deal with incoming information and translate it quickly.

If you need more help with the memory skills required to truly master Morse Code, get this free course now:

Free Memory Improvement Course

It walks you through the ancient memory techniques you need to know to master your memory and excel with cool learning tasks like Morse Code.

So what do you say?

Are you ready to get out there and send some messages?

Make it happen and I’ll keep an ear out for your signal!

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Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at:

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