
Next Level Memory Training Secrets with USA Memory Champ John Graham

Next Level Memory Training Secrets with USA Memory Champ John GrahamWant memory training secrets from a bona fide memory champion?

You’re in the right place.

And even better than talking about mnemonic examples, Memory Palaces and general mnemonics

When you click play on the recording above…

John Graham, the 2018 USA Memory Champion shares the mindset, strategies and habits needed to train your memory…

Under pressure. 

And the ability to perform under pressure matters for everyone, whether you’re recalling information on TV…

Names at a meeting…

Or information during an exam at school.

Why I’m So Impressed With John’s Memory Training Know-how

As a memory enthusiast and blogger specializing in memory techniques, John’s skills and the information he offers through his memoryjohn website and email newsletter are top notch.

And as you’ll hear today…

John originally didn’t think he could use memory techniques!

(Anastasia Woolmer, another memory champion, was exactly the same. If you can relate, you could also be the next major memory competitor on the scene.)

But John didn’t let his beliefs control him.

Instead, he went on an incredible journey to find courage, consistency and competence with memory training.

The same levels of laser-sharp mental clarity you can find too…

Just by listening to the right memory training mentors.

Why You Need To Train Your Memory For The Long Term

And John is indeed one of the best because he helps you see both the short and the long term benefits of memory training…

All while making sure that you find ways to stay with it for the long term.

Why does that matter?

Because life’s rewards go straight into your memory… nowhere else.

Think about it:

Cars… houses… money…

They all change, get lost, lose value.

But memory?

The more you can hold onto, the greater its value increases the longer you can call it your own.

And if you can’t remember the great things you learn, then you risk losing life’s treasures forever.

So follow John’s lead and overcome whatever mental rubbish might be holding you back from success with memory techniques by following his lead.

And if you want to see John working his memory magic with your own eyes, just click play on this incredible video:

Then, as you’re listening, make sure you follow John on Twitter.

The Next Level Memory Ideas I Enjoyed Learning The Most

Personally, I benefitted the most from hearing John talk about:

  • Crafting the mindset needed to develop memory competitor-level skills
  • Deliberately using additional difficulty to increase your memory chops quickly
  • The correct use of memory training apps and software to avoid falling into the traps of Digital Amnesia
  • How to incorporate consistent training into a busy travel schedule
  • Adding more challenges, many of which surely strengthen your iconic memory

All of these points will help you in your memory practice  just as they helped me.

Even better:

After listening, you can leave us a comment below with your questions and comments so you too can experience “next level” memory skills!

Further Free Memory Training Resources

How to Win the USA Memory Championship

8 Reasons You Need A Flexible Memory Method Not A Memory System

5 Note Taking Techniques That Force You To Remember More

4 Responses

  1. Hi Anthony! Incredible howJohn Graham remembered girls names and their ages, walking, heart, and calories in numbers. He has a system using his hands. I really need to do more research and learn more to find my system to learn information and grab in my mind.

    1. Great observation, Maricela. I’ll have to ask John about his re-enactments next time we speak. Getting your body into mnemonics is a great idea generally, and extends to walking through your Memory Palaces if you happen to have them nearby.

  2. A great episode, Anthony. Always great to hear from users ‘in the wild’ who are actually doing it and glean from their experiences.

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Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at:

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