
Magnetic Memory Magic (According To A Reader Of This Blog)

Cover image of the former Magnetic Memory Mondays ebook covers devoted to memory palace trainingToday I want to share an inspirational email from someone taking memory improvement seriously.

I’m especially excited about it because the person helped his son explore mnemonics based on one of my most successful blog posts.

Here’s what he wrote:

I used the Magnetic Memory Method to help me with memorizing the contents of a book. I helped our 8 yr old son memorize the contents of a 54 page book he had to read for school. 

There were 10 Chapters. We ended up with 20 index cards. 

I followed your instructions to a T, even finding a picture of the author on the internet. 

Your system is outstanding, and the index card system, sequence – top left, and page number – bottom right, is perfect too!  There were 2 times when we added and changed some information.  So going to the exact page was a piece of cake. 

 Of course the magic came when we used the 2nd floor of our house for the memory palace:

Lundry – dryer, washing machine, tank for manual washing, table; bathroom – shower, toilet, sink, his bedroom – shelf, painting, bed post, his desk, brother’s desk, and off to our room. 

Relating a little to the content of today’s email, as I’m almost finished with my 5th book on mnemonics, I was able to explain the journey and associations so a kid could understand! 

It really was magic and our son, Maxwell, was so proud of himself for memorizing the book: characters’ names, cities, plot, moral, etc.  You have forever changed our lives for the better.

Thank you!

For more on the point about using index cards, please see how to effectively complete a memory training course.

Overall, I love the topic of memorizing directly from because. It allows me to reveal the inside secrets of how I went from a high-school dropout to a professor who earned a distinguished government-funded research grant.

Frankly, I didn’t know back when I was a Mercator visiting professor in Germany that I would eventually become an international memory expert, but that’s how life goes sometimes.

The best part about this email I’ve shared today? The writer is also reading other books on mnemonics and the Memory Palace technique.

If you’re truly interested in developing your memorization knowledge and skills, this is a key strategy that will keep you moving forward.

Read all that you can. Here are some more book suggestions:

And if you want more to read, be sure to check out the chapter on advanced reading and memorization skills chapter in the Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass. There’s a lot more you can benefit from in the full training, including:

* How to use dice to improve your memory.

* How to lower any hurdles that may be hindering your progress.

* Why you should try to learn each new skill you find difficult at least twice.

* How to extend your Memory Palaces to include 3000 words and more.

* How to use “Big Box” stores as Memory Palaces.

* How to use video games and TV shows as Memory Palaces.

* Why perfectionism may be slowing you down.

* How to motivate yourself to memorize.

* The best time-management techniques for memorization using Memory Palaces.

* How to use free email services to memorize new vocabulary.

* What to do if you’re not a particularly visual person.

* The importance of paying attention in the first place before using any memorization technique.

* How to avoid the “Memorization Kryptonite” that may be holding you back.

* And much, much more …

Dive in, enjoy and please just shout out if you have any questions about mnemonics any time via the contact page. I’ll get back to you a.s.a.p.

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Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at:

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