How to Remember the Quotient Rule in 3 Easy Steps

| Learning

how to remember the quotient rule feature imageSearching for a good quotient rule mnemonic?

They’re definitely hard to find, especially when people keep recommending unmemorable mnemonics like:

If quotient rule you wish to know,

It’s lo d hi less hi d lo.

Draw the line and down below

Denominator squared will go.

I mean, you’d have to be a memory master to handle what amounts to a poem.

So let me ask you this:

What if I told you that becoming such a memory master is well within the realm of possibility for you?

Within an hour or less? Maybe even sooner?

Once you have these memory skills, you’ll be able to create your own deeply meaningful mnemonics and attach them to any information you want to remember.

Sound good?

Let’s dive in and take this step by step.

How to Remember the Quotient Rule with Lightning Speed: An Easy Quotient Rule Mnemonic

We’re going to go through a small number of steps. They involve developing a memory system that will serve you for life.

That means, once you have something like lo d hi hi d lo (part of a mnemonic), you’ll be able to use the memory technique on this page to help you remember many other things.

The only catch is that you do need to follow the steps. You’re the only one who can.

Luckily, they’re incredibly fun and will give you an advantage over your fellow students.

Step One: Create Associations

The easiest way to rapidly memorize the quotient rule is to use striking associations.

Although the poem at the top uses rhyme, the actual words in it can be difficult to memorize. And all the more so because many of them aren’t really words.

Using the pegword method, however, “lo” instantly becomes Lois in my mind. Specifically, I’m thinking of Teri Hatcher, who played the character in Lois and Superman.

a dynamic metal image

Instead of struggling with this “lo” sound, I now have a dynamic mental image.

Of course, you could use any actress who played Lois, or any person you know called by this name.

You could even get creative and choose Jennifer Lopez, which has the sound “lo” in it.

Step Two: Use A Memory Palace

Because you have more than just “lo” to deal with, you’ll want to organize a small number of associations in space.

We’ll do this by using a combination of the story method and the Memory Palace technique.

In the example pictured above, lo d hi less hi d lo becomes Lois trying to steal a bottle of Sunny D from a kid. Bassist Les Claypool throws the Sunny D “high” in the air, leaving Lois complaining with Superman.

As you can see, all of this is laid out in a particular space – in this case in front of a building with iconic Superman graffiti. This street and the wall is serving as a kind of “canvas” for storing the images.

To make sure you create your Memory Palaces effectively, you can use streets, or you can use the interior of buildings. I suggest you start by making a quick drawing to help guide your mind’s eye. Like this:

memorization techniques for actors memory palace example

You can use simple mental versions of any building in combination with associations for each and every word in the quotient rule mnemonic.

Later, if you want to also be able to memorize specific numbers and symbols, you can use the Major System.

Step Three: Recall Rehearsal

In order to rapidly usher the information into long term memory, you’ll want to perform a small amount of repetition.

To do this, run through the parts of the quotient rule mnemonic forward, backward and out of order.

Also, make sure you follow the rules of active recall.

In brief, these principles tell us that we need to create and use our mnemonics as if they are puzzles we’re trying to solve. It just like playing a game.

Mastering The Quotient Rule Has Never Been So Fun

Now that you’ve understood the basics, your task is to dive in and give this learning technique a try.

Don’t worry if you make mistakes at first. They will teach you and soon you’ll be a master of your memory.

If you find the Memory Palace technique a bit too much in the beginning, feel free to try flashcards as an alternative.

Or, you can dive into my FREE Memory Improvement Course.

Free Memory Improvement Course

It includes 4 videos and 3 worksheets that take you through rapidly creating a full Memory Palace Network so you’re always equipped to learn anything fast.

So what do you say?

Are you ready to absorb more mathematical rules in a way that’s enjoyable and fun?

Make it happen!

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