
The Real Data You Should Know About Cogmed For Brain Exercise

Portrait of Christine Till a memory expert on the Magnetic Memory Method PodcastHave you ever wondered about apps like Cogmed for brain exercise and memory improvement really work?

So have I.

And here’s the reality:

It is really difficult coming up with a clear answer when you read the research about general brain fitness and memory in the scientific literature.

Here’s the great news:

On this episode of Magnetic Memory Method Podcast, you’ll hear from Dr. Christina Till.

Dr. Till is an Associate Professor in the Clinical Developmental Area in the Faculty of Health at York University.

As she shared her scientific research on memory, multiple sclerosis (MS), Huntington’s disease and other areas of mental cognition, this point leapt out at me: 

“My dream study [would] combine the benefits of physical activity with cognitive training.  To maximize brain growth, we should be doing both.”

If you’d like to peer behind the scenes of how memory research is conducted with softwares like Cogmed in the mix and what the conclusions really mean when it comes to improving memory , download this podcast episode now.

And get ready to dive deep because there’s a ton of substantial information you will learn from Dr. Till’s research and work and how scientists develop their studies and draw their conclusions.

Press play now and you’ll discover:

  • How Christine came to be interested in memory.
  • What “environmental enrichment” means and how it can help you improve your memory.
  • What Huntington’s disease is and how it degenerates the brain over time.
  • The early manifestations of the Huntington’s disease.
  • The conditions or immune triggers that have been implicated in increasing the risk of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
  • The metaphor goal suggestion with “machinery” when it comes to the brain and memory.
  • How the cognitive network of the brain gets injured. (This may or may not relate to memory issues from other forms of brain trauma.)
  • Why some people’s cognitive performance can remain stable at early stages of disease.
  • What the term “memory reserve” means and how it can be measured.
  • How cognitive training can help your memory.
  • How the software called “Cogmed” helps people with cognition training.
  • The reasons for choosing “Cogmed” out of the number of programs for Christine’s study.
  • The conclusion of Christine’s research study and what it really means for memory.
  • The power of meditation and linking physical activity with cognitive training.
  • What’s coming up next for Christine and where can people learn more about her research and work.
  • And a special video interview with Christine:


Bonus Alternative To Cogmed For Brain Exercise

On this episode, I mentioned to Christine that I was learning to juggle and recite the alphabet backwards. Here’s a demonstration of this simple brain exercise and how you can learn it without any frustration by following a few simple principles:

Part Two:

Christian decides to share his juggling chops while reciting a poem in a video response:

And then another follow-up with coins!

Enjoy (and send us your video too if you’ve got one so we can feature your authentic brain exercise techniques)!

Further Resources on the Web, This Podcast and the MMM Blog:

Christine Till Profile profile on York University’s website

Memory training points to new directions for treatment of Huntington’s disease

Why Bilingualism Makes For a Healthier Brain

Coconut Oil and Memory: Can It Boost Your Brain [Advanced Study]

Binaural Beats And Memory: Can This Crazy Music Make You Smarter

The Wise Advocate: Become a Better Leader of Your Memory

2 Responses

  1. So why does repeating ideas to memorize while juggling work? Is it because the “neurons that fire together wire together” concept and the complex neuron paths being activated while juggling wire together with the ideas repeated in the mind? I’ve been trying to find some info on the neuroscience of this. I’m guessing that the complex brain activity from juggling leaves hooks for the memory. But if this is true would dancing and other physical activities work as well? There’s a golfer named Michael Lavery who has “hammer drills” where he bounces a golf ball off of a hammer while repeating concepts to memory. I’ve been super curious about the whole “neurons that fire together wire together concept and how complex physical activities relate. Also activities such as playing musical instruments. Please do a video or podcast on your thoughts on this.

    1. Thanks for this, Shane.

      Please look up Efrat Furst for neuroscientific research on juggling. I’m sure there are many others.

      You may also want to look up Harry Kahne, who did a lot of multiple mental activities and wrote training manuals.

      May I ask what you would like the research for? That will help me craft a better podcast on it.

      Thanks again and talk soon! 🙂

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Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at:

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