
The Ultimate Hand Mnemonic

Before you go …

Would you like me to walk you through a simple, but priceless blueprint for memorizing names and faces?

Dear Friend,

If you’ve ever wanted to double, triple or even quadruple your ability to memorize names and faces using a few simple techniques you can learn in an hour or two, then this may be the most important information you will ever read.

Here’s why:

Over the past few years, I have helped thousands of people memorize thousands of foreign language vocabulary words. As a result, these people have experienced boosts in fluency that have literally changed their how they live and the experiences they are able to have as they travel or simply enjoy conversing with foreign language speakers at home while reading, writing and listening to music and watching movies in their dream language.

Since you’ve already gotten started with the Magnetic Memory Method, you already know how it works!

When you sit down with the Magnetic Memory Worksheets and get started with the plan I’ve already given you, you’re going to learn and memorize a LOT of new words.

But this isn’t the big discovery.

The big discovery is learning the ultimate way to crack the code of your mind and turn it into a …

Memorizing Magnet that never, ever forgets.

Over the past two months, I decided to make another video course that reveals the secrets of memorizing names and faces.

I found that all the other products teaching this technique try to work out a “universal formula” – and that’s great! The universal principles used in the Magnetic Memory Method also dependably work for everyone who uses them like Magnetic clockwork.

However, after working thousands of people and analyzing hundreds of studies about memory, I’ve been able to …

Uncover A Few New Processes That Makes Memorizing Names And Faces Even Easier

And here’s what’s really amazing:

Even though the technique is fairly simple …

And even though I’ve proven it with students from all over the world who come from thousands of different backgrounds and work in hundreds of different industries …

The fact remains that you and I have an incredible advantage because …

Hardly Anyone Is Using The Magnetic Memory Method To Memorize Names And Faces!

And the reason is simple:

I haven’t gotten around to sharing the news about its release.

… Until now.

But Now I’m Ready To Tell You About The Absolute Best Way To Memorize Names And Faces

I’ll tell you why I’m doing this in a minute, but first let me tell you what this amazing ability has done for me.

As you know, I’m the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, something I created after a series of bizarre and unusual events almost caused me to drop out of grad school because my mind was foggy and flooded with concentration issues and the like. You’ve heard that story before and you’ll remember that I’m not one of those “instant success” stories you’ve seen on TV or in infomercials.

The fact of the matter is that I put myself through memory training boot camp in order to solve a problem – and it wasn’t easy!

Like so many people who invent things (or in my case improve upon things that already existed, in this case mnemonics), I invested a small fortune of time in experimenting with memory techniques in order to make them better. In fact, I worked like a dog, essentially around the clock in order to solve one huge problem.

And like so many others, it’s more than a problem. It’s a roadblock. It’s the kind of thing that when you hit it, you’ve got no choice but to go around it and find some other way to get to the destination.

I’m Talking About The Pain Of Forgetting

In short, I was STUCK. (Maybe you can relate to this).

When I would meet new people, I would learn their names and within seconds completely forget them!

That’s what I call a roadblock!

Every time it would happen, I’d have to go back and find some other way to hear the name I’d forgotten again, and even then there was no guarantee I would remember it.

But when I focused my efforts after learning about memory techniques, simplified the process for myself and added two new key features that changed everything, I completely ELIMINATED forgetfulness from my life.

This is what you might call getting UNstuck. And it feels great.

Fast forward to today and I experience the same thing every time I meet a new person.

First, I hear their name.

Then, I use an image and an action to make the name memorable.

Finally, I place that name in a Memory Palace, sometimes an impromptu Memory Palace if I want to make sure I remember where exactly I met this person.

After that, there’s never any fear again that I will forget the name and my ability to interact with that person in a pleasant and sophisticated way literally SKYROCKETS.

So now you’re probably wondering …

If the Magnetic Memory Method For Memorizing Names And Faces Is So Great, Why Are You Giving It To Me For Peanuts?

It’s a fair enough question.

And I’ll be honest with you: my intentions are a little bit self-serving.

You see, the Magnetic Memory Method is simple, efficient and Magnetically effective.

I’ve seen it create a 300% increase in the ability to memorize abstract and familiar information in a matter of days from people who use it.

And I know that once you get it, you’ll want to start using it to memorize names and faces right away.

Now, because you’re already a member of the Names and Faces course, you basically have two choices:

First, you can figure it out for yourself.

You can take what you’ve learned in this course and use that knowledge to create your own system for memorizing names and faces.

Then you can learn by your own experience how to get out there and place the names of new people into your brain using “magnetized” Memory Palaces.

And if that’s the route you take, great! I wish you all the best. I know for a fact that it’s worth the small amount of effort and time you’ll put into it.

But your other choice is to learn how I’ve done it and let me walk you through it.

If you choose this option, I’ll help you create the perfect strategy for memorizing names and faces. I’ll help you turn your mind into the ultimate storage and retrieval device for this life-changing purpose and I’ll even show you to become endlessly more creative so that your mind is creating powerful images for you 24/7.

But let’s face it: the power in using your mind is not just in understanding the technique or thinking about it as a theory (I never teach theory!) Slaving over concepts and ideas for days on end will only get you nowhere.

That’s why the course includes some fun and interesting exercises that will get you started with …

Not one.

Not two.

But three different methods for memorizing names and faces!

And If You Think Your Time And Effort Was Misused, You Always Have My Magnetic Right Decision Guarantee

Look, there’s no reason why the Magnetic Memory Method shouldn’t work for you and that’s why I insist that if you think you’ve wasted your time going through my course you send it back.

Actually, there’s nothing to send back.

You can download the entire course to your hard drive and keep it and still get your money back.

So here’s how you can think about it:

Worse case scenario, you get a free course for “wasting” an hour or two deepening your understanding of a memory method responsible for the memorization of thousands of foreign language words in the very short time since I released it to people of every age and from every industry on earth.

Best case scenario, you learn the method for memorizing names and faces and see exponential growth in the natural abilities of your mind.

I know what you’re asking …

What On Earth Is That Supposed To Mean?!?

The answer is pretty simple, actually.

People who have used the Magnetic Memory Method have found an increased ability to:

Understand and memorize abstract concepts and information

Make otherwise boring learning experiences automatic, thrilling and fun

Solve problems by leveraging the untapped mental processes the Magnetic Memory Method activates

Create more “space” in the mind for imaginative exploration and mental pleasure

Avoid the pains of rote learning

… and much, much more.

But I have to warn you:

The Magnetic Memory Method For Memorizing Names And Faces Is NOT For Everyone. Here’s Who It CAN Help:

In order to achieve success with the Magnetic Memory Method, there are a few prerequisites. I don’t want to chase anyone away, but I also don’t want anyone wasting their time. That’s why I’ve decided to impose a few stern, but completely realistic prerequisites on the people who join my How To Memorize Names And Faces course.

Here’s the list:

First, you have to be a member of the Magnetic Memory Family.

The offer I have for you is only for people who are already making moves with their Magnetic Memories and simply want to take their minds to the next level so they can memorize names and faces a lot faster.

You wouldn’t even be reading this letter if you’re not already a member of the course, so let’s call this prerequisite covered.

Second, you must be willing to use the Method.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the Magnetic Memory Method is NOT a magic bullet.

But it is real magic!

You just need to realize that the Magnetic Memory Method is a list of ingredients that will produce results so long as you follow the directions …

… but you’ve got to implement those directions. If you’re not going to do that, you’re not likely going to memorize anything, and what on our Magnetic earth would be the point of that?

So … that’s all I’ve got to say on the matter of prerequisites. If you can handle that, then you’re invited!

The information in this course will teach you:

• Why memory is like a bicycle everyone can ride (with some minor personal adjustments).

• The real reason why no one should ever be squeamish about memorization techniques or memorizing names and faces.

• Why and how some of the most famous memory skills are applicable to learning and memorizing any name.

• How to use memory techniques for storing and recalling any name you wish.

• Examples of how to turn boring names into exciting and unforgettable images. (Learn how to do this and you’ll be able to memorize ANYTHING).

• Unique memorization techniques that will have you literally “tuning in” on new people that you meet. (Believe it or not, your mind wants you to greet people this way).

• The weakest, the middling and the most potent ways of memorizing names and faces.

• Simple memorization technique examples that walk you through the process.

• Two secret ways to use relaxation to aid the memorization process so that you memorize and recall names naturally and with ease. These two methods alone are worth the price of this course because they will literally eliminate stress from your body as you memorize new names the instant you hear them.

• And much, much more …

These memorization techniques have been used by thousands of people, most of whom previously considered themselves owners of a “bad memory” to make real strides in memorizing names and faces.

Don’t worry! None of these memorization techniques are rocket science.

Frankly, if you can memorize a short email address or the name of a movie, then you can use this system to memorize any name that you wish.

But there’s really no time to lose.

Every day that you are not using this simple memorization technique, you are literally stealing from yourself the joy of memorizing and recalling the names of the important new people you meet as you easily expand the natural abilities of your mind.

Here’s What To Do Next

As soon as you click the link below, you’ll be taken to Udemy where you can join my exclusive Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass memory improvement suite of video courses. You’ll have immediate and instant access to the course and can get started right away.

Here’s how to join the Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass.


The Most Magnetic Guarantee In The world.

I 100% guarantee that you will love How to Memorize Names and Faces or you will pay nothing for the course.

Magnetic Memory Right Decision Guarantee

That’s right. If for any reason you don’t like the course, you don’t have anything to send back. Download it to your hard drive and then file a refund request with Udemy. There will be no questions asked. It’s as simple as that and you get to keep the course.

Does that sound fair or what?

Yours in Memory,

Anthony Metivier


Act now, get your butt into my new course today, and I’ll include my special training on memorizing the alphabet backwards … heck, join the course right now and I’ll even throw in my pet frog. 🙂  Here’s that link one last time:


Enter your email below to get instant access to my FREE course that gives you a proven step-by-step process for remembering anything you want. You'll discover how to:

  • Speak any language fluently
  • Recall complicated formulas, math equations, or numbers.
  • Master the technical terms for your field of work or study.
  • Recite poetry, jokes, and even long speeches word-for-word
  • Quickly absorb the most important ideas from books, textbooks, or lectures...

Unlock your natural ability to learn and remember anything 3x faster now!


Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at: