How To Turn Your Memory Into The Perfect Search Engine And Stop Learning In Bits And Pieces

Dear Friend,

If you struggle with your memory almost every time you use it, then this message will be critical to the future of your brain, your memory and overall life satisfaction.

You’re about to discover how to STOP the painfully long processes currently chipping away at your capacity for concentration.

Only by eliminating the erosion of your focus can you start remembering with ease and begin experiencing the peace of mind that comes from having quality of memory.

But before I show you the path to mental patience, diligence and powerful memory in a world of mental distraction…

Here’s What’s VERY New In The World Of Memory Improvement

After receiving thousands of emails about my personal habits when it comes to memory, I’ve decided to release an updated version of one of my best books. 

I’d like to give you this personal operating system along with a copy ofThe Memory Connection.

However, my personal planner and this book are not for everyone.

In fact, they’re only for you if:

A Version Of Your Memory More Powerful Than Any Search Engine!

Let’s face it:

Your goals and desires will always be on the back burner until you get your memory sorted.

And as you struggle towards finally living your full potential, consider this:

Maybe the fantasy of having an automated computer in your brain that saves information so that you can retrieve it later without having to think about it isn’t so far fetched.

How To Place Any Information In Memory And Recall It Any Time

What goal could be more important than that?

Just imagine…

Reading something once, committing it to memory and then, at the drop of a hat, immediately RECALLING that information without any stress or strain.

Yes, this outcome is possible with any information. There is no doubt about it.


If you do it right, you’ll earn more than just raw intelligence. You will also:

But get ready for a shock:


Your Brain Power Will Grow So Strong… You Will Laugh When Others Complain About “Information Overwhelm”

The first step involves eliminating that daily onslaught of information overwhelm we all face.

The only problem?

Thanks to “Digital Amnesia,” you feel like many people out there…

Like you have no control over your mind.

And that has left you feeling, well…


Helpless, Incompetent, Mentally Sterile And Like You Were Just Born With A Poor Memory…

Go ahead and admit it:

You hate that nagging feeling don’t you?

It’s a frustrating feeling that only makes your learning struggles feel worse.

That feeling of never getting anywhere, constantly lacking confidence in your memory, struggling every single day to find even just a drop of motivation so you can learn.

This draining situation leaves you confused, overwhelmed and powerless.

But you know what?

You’re NOT alone.

Many people these days are completely lost when it comes to mentally thriving in our hazardous age of information overwhelm.

This scary outcome affecting so many people is not happening because people don’t know about memory techniques.

Most people do.

It’s happening because…


Most People Have No Clue How To Connect With The Goldmine Of Creative Imagination Longing To Help Them Remember More At A Moment’s Notice

So what do most people do in their ignorance?

They lumber onwards, like tramps of the mind, instead of what they could be:


But instead of seizing the basic human birthright of a powerful memory, most people wind up never living to their expectations.

Worse, they sell themselves like zombies for low wages, giving up all  their time for learning and self development to desperate acts of random learning.

The result?

They wind up leading lives that distance them even further from their dreams.

So they throw up their hands and say, “Why work at learning anything when you’ve you’re just going to forget it?”

My response:


Everything You Need To Help You Permanently Learn And Remember Anything Is Already In Your Memory

And it’s simple to start connecting with these resources you’ve had throughout your entire life.

You just need to tap into the same autobiographical memory abilities every person on the planet shares.

That and the “Magnetic Modes.”

When you tap into the powerful assets you already hold dear in your autobiographical memory, here’s what happens:

You rapidly activate the white matter in your brain.

White matter is the stuff that carries information between the regions of grey matter.

And the more you use the white matter in your brain, the more efficient all parts of it becomes. You develop what scientists sometimes call “fluid intelligence.”

And to help you develop this special level of intelligence, and so much more…


I Invite You To Discover The Untapped Learning And Memory Assets In Your Life By Unlocking…

Cover of The Memory Connection Ebook


I wrote The Memory Connection to help people discover fascinating aspects about themselves.

To trigger and fire powerful brain chemicals while they do it.

And to go beyond mere fluid intelligence by strengthening short and long term memory. 


Because when you access your memory in particular ways during the learning process based on a special understanding of your “Magnetic Learning Hierarchy,” you improve your memory overall.


Totally On Autopilot!


No joke.

It all just starts happening naturally.

Best part:

You stop experiencing that terrible feeling of being perpetually stuck on start.

Those negative conversations you used to hold with yourself?

They disappear.

Instead, you feel motivated, energized and start feeling in control of your memory, your mind and your entire life.

Better than that…


You Will Resuscitate Your Memory From Something Far Worse Than Death!


Let’s face it:

Without the secrets revealed in The Memory Connection, your brain is kind of like a zombie…

Not quite dead.

But not living either.

To quickly get your brain out of this ‘Living Dead’ mode, the tips in The Memory Connection I have for you include:


It Would Be Impossible For Anyone To Make It Any Easier, But…


Now is not the time for wishing it was easier.

Now is the time for recognizing the truth about your brain and memory.

It needs to be challenged.

It’s the lack of challenge and the lack of connection with growth-creating challenges that is eroding your brain.

But sadly…

People are being swamped by garbage apps that promise to make things “easy.”

When it comes to real brain science that works, those promises are pure sewage.

Sure, they might “sell the sizzle.”

But without challenging you in ways that stimulate growth, they will never bring the steak.

That’s why all the serious learners prefer the Magnetic Memory Method.

In fact, I’ve got one of the longest testimonial walls on the entire Internet.

Here are just a few of my favorite success stories and endorsements.

Portrait of 2019 Canadian Memory Champion James Gerwing For Magnetic Memory Method Podcast

Since going through your training materials, I have taken a Latin course at the University of Alberta and scored above 90% (that is not common territory for me).

I am also now the 4-time, current, undefeated (and record holder) of the Alberta memory championships. Even better; I just won the 2019 Canadian Memory Championships (AND the first ever pan-provincial championship).

Randall Garing Magnetic Memory Method Review

Your material helped me just complete a graduate level pathophysiology course (98.3% class grade!).

This is a great success, even though the work and detail is very heavy.

In my experience, using MP’s guarantee that I will memorize every detail I want to memorize. That’s one reason why I use them.

Laura Roy MMM Masterclass Review Testimonial

What I have learned has changed my life!

I can’t begin to tell you how much better I am able to remember things now.

I’ve learned to remember names/faces. Anatomy I never thought I could master has become fun and easy, I can make complicated recipes off the top of my head, I can memorize a deck of cards (which I thought would just be good practice, but has turned out to be fun in itself and also a powerful tool for learning other things), and so much more.

Timo Hahn MMM Testimonial photo

As an Online-Strategy-Consultant, Anthony’s techniques really help me to plan my client’s online success.

I use the same technique that Anthony structured his PHD with. I summarize every concept, idea and learning on flash cards. When I outline a strategy I arrange those concepts according to my clients needs.

This helps me come up with an individual and solid strategy literally in minutes and I outline the plans from there.

I’ve even used this approach to help me work with the municipal utilities cities, including Augsburg in Germany.

Maricella Griffith MMM Testimonial Portrait

I feel less overwhelmed. This is because I feel inspired and am better able to find the information in my mind.

If you follow Anthony’s tips, it will be the very best thing you’ve ever done in your life.

Jared Russell MMM Testimonial

A big thank you! I have a big exam coming up that requires me to memorise a number of lists and the thought of simply using brute force repetition was discouraging and unmotivating.

The other day I thought I’d look into alternative memory techniques and I came across your training.

On my first attempt I was able to map out and recall 17 items flawlessly, and then 22 items for a second list with ease.

This is truly empowering.

Why do so many people sing my praises?

Because I provide experiential material that gives exercises not just for your mind, but also for your hands.

And then we connect your learning experience with many more things, creating a holistic and immersive experience that makes learning and remembering immersive and addictive.

Make no mistake.

Without involving your physical body and making multiple connections between your mental world and its physical surroundings, your memory will never improve as well as it could.


Your Brain Is Starving For “The Real”

This is what makes my teaching unique and different.

I help you connect each and every level of mind and body to create real memory boosts that last.

And I’m walking this journey with you.

This is not a “product.” It’s a mission.

I love these techniques and use them every day.


Lots of reasons, but let’s just focus on the biggest one that’s been on my mind lately.

You see, as I’ve grown older…

I’ve experienced Digital Amnesia myself. 

If you’re not already experiencing it too, rest assured:

There’s a dramatic change coming to your way of life as information overwhelm grows…

How A 44 Year Old Memory Fanatic Wards Off Sclerosis Of The Brain And Hardening Of The Mental Arteries

==How do I cope personally with Digital Amnesia?

First, I practice “digital fasting.” That means time spent away from all screens.

More importantly, I got very intentional about my time.

I started tracking it and planning it in ways that ensure the ongoing health of my brain…

To literally shield my brain against the destruction of lifestyle chaos.

Not because I want to live a strict (and therefore boring) life.

But because, without throwing the baby out with the bathwater, real scientific research and substantial evidence tells us again and again that we flourish when we have self-elected structure.

Which is why I’m including the exact templates I’ve used for years to give myself yearly, quarterly, monthly and daily plans that are flexible enough to meet the demands of reality, yet structured enough to keep momentum high.

Memory Momentum Planner


Could The World’s Only “Memory Momentum Planner” Be The Solution For You?

To help others deal with Digital Amnesia as I’ve been doing for myself, I decided to share how I plan my projects and see them through to completion.

Today, I’m giving you my personal operating plans – the exact templates you can download and use yourself to great lasting improvement by connecting deeply with your body, mind and memory.

But let’s be frank:

There are right ways to apply the right frameworks for success, and sometimes these can be hard to imagine.

That’s why I’ve done more than create a comprehensive planner.

I’ve also created  a visual course that walks you through everything.

This 5-video course shows you exactly how to take my planning templates and use them to create powerful transformation that improves your memory and helps you complete any learning or lifestyle goal.

And if you act quickly, you can get the templates and this new video course included with your digital copy of The Memory Connection.

Together, these training materials will ensure you continue to learn and remember well during the age of Digital Amnesia.

For the rest of your life because I’ve shown you how to remember your goals and stick with your plans for achieving them.

Just like I’ve done, accomplishing all of my dreams and more.


 How The Memory Connection and Memory Momentum Planner Stop “Digital Amnesia” From Chipping Away At Your Memory And Concentration

Let’s face it.

We all get stuck from time to time.

And when that happens…

We often don’t know where to turn.

We don’t have a simple source of renewable energy to get us back on track and moving towards our goals.

All the less so when it comes to another email…

Another online course update…

More intangible material that you’ll struggle to get through, let alone use…

But when you use my Memory Momentum Planner along with the steps laid out for you in The Memory Connection, you’ll never run out of fuel again.

Best part?


You’re Also Getting The ULTIMATE “Memory Supplement”

As I’m sure you know, there are all kinds of memory supplement companies out there.

Guess what?

They offer a 0.5% verbal memory advantage at best.

You can do way better than that simply by drinking enough water.

But when you get The Memory Connection today, you’re also going to get the entire back catalog of my pre-Covid newsletter.

The print version currently isn’t being sent out due to international delivery issues we’re all aware of, but you’ll getting digital copies of every issue in existence.

Treat them as the most powerful “memory supplement” these issues are and you’ll be educated and inspired to join me in the “memory gym” and experience ongoing growth.

Here are just a few of the features that will help you each and every time you crack open a new issue of the newsletter:

Detailed Memory Palace Examples

Peer inside the minds and Memory Palaces of the best Magnetic Memory Method students.

This is your chance to see how others use the Magnetic Memory Method, and each Memory Palace examples comes with an additional breakdown and actionable tips from real world practice with this technique.

Magnetic Memory Method Memory Palace

Detailed Q&A

What’s better than a hyper-targeted answer to your question?

How about having your question inspire thousands of people around the world?

This is your chance to see how I answer the questions asked by the best Magnetic Memory  Method students in detail.

Above all, the feeling of sharing the journey with your fellow learners will create energy and renew your inspiration for accomplishing your learning goals just by reading one of these bonus newsletters.

Image of brain cluttered with brain exercise apps

My Magnetic “Seal of Approval” Reading Suggestions

Thousands of memory improvement and self-development books clutter shelves around the world.

But who has time to read them all?

As a matter of fact, I do.

And for readers of The Memory Connection, I’m sharing what I’ve discovered in some of the best books and drawing connections that aren’t so obvious to people who haven’t read as much as I have.

And since I have contact with every important living figure in the world of memory, sometimes the authors themselves will be on these calls to help unpack the “master keys” they’ve placed in their own books and courses.

That way you can simply enjoy my takeaways before deciding to add the recommendations to your collection, saving you tons of time and money in the process.

How to Memorize a Textbook

Magnetic Memory Brain Health History & Science

Given the way mainstream media paints such a dark picture of the world, you might be wondering what makes successful people so happy?

Usually, it boils down to the deep connections successful people maintain with truth and tradition.

Knowing your origins and taking research as a cue helps create happiness during any period of stress or even disaster.

Knowledge of your brain and how memory masters of the past accomplished so many great mental feats guarantees you’ll be able to keep the “panic button” at bay as you get the maximum milage out of your memory practice.

Plus, I’ll be sharing my prized brain health recipes with you too.

Image of a man with rainbow passing through his head to illustrate a concept related to adult coloring books

Magnetic Language Learning Tips, Tactics & Mnemonic Examples

Learn your language fast or slow. It’s completely up to you.

But when you tear open each new edition of my newsletter, you’ll receive quick tips you can apply immediately to your language learning process.

Forget about becoming bilingual. We’re talking about the journey to multi-lingualism and completely reshaping how you think of “language” in the first place (it’s not what you think it is).

No one outside of the newsletter will receive the secrets revealed in this section, which includes my own closely guarded Magnetic Imagery.

That’s right. Newsletter subscribers can “look over my shoulder” as I share for your pleasure, learning and creative pain reduction exactly how I’m using the Magnetic Modes taught in The Memory Connection to continue learning Chinese with the MMM CAMP MIST formula and reviving my old interest in Latin.

If you’re thirsty for consistency in your language learning life, let me demonstrate for you exactly how it’s done.

Drawing of Magnetic Imagery mnemonic example for helping to memorize information

The Only Way Out Of The Clutches Of Digital Amnesia?

No. There are other paths.

In fact, I’ve given away many of them on this page already.

But I’ve also given you just a small peek behind the curtains of what The Memory Connection reveals and how the Momentum Planner and its bonuses will help you out.

Rest assured:

Once you start going through these memory improvement tips, tricks and secrets, you’ll benefit from a vibrant, healthy and sane memory in our insane world of information overwhelm.

Escape The Quagmire Of Information Overwhelm

Frankly, you’re missing out on so much mental autonomy if you’re not scheduling and using memory techniques the way I teach.

That’s very bad news for the health of your brain.

The good news is that starting today, you can access my “Personal Operating Plans” and completely remove Digital Amnesia from your life.

The reason you can’t take diligent and consistent action has everything to do with how digital information makes it harder and hard to whittle down to action.

Yet, with the continuous “refuel” this book and the Memory Momentum Planner provide, you will quickly…

Get Off The “No Plan” Rollercoaster And Enjoy Rock Solid Memory And Concentration That Lasts

The name of the game is developing consistency.

Taking real, impactful, meaningful action over the long haul, without ever feeling like you want to give up.

I’ll give you the specific tools I’ve developed along the way so you can experience the core values of the Magnetic Memory Method and consistently implement its guidelines in your life.

 Manage Your Memory By The Book

The only catch is that in order to get my Memory Momentum Planner, you’ve got to The Memory Connection and vice versa.

That’s because they work together.

Whereas The Memory Connection helps you discover the unlocked potential of your memory by discovering hidden meanings that make improving your memory more than fun and rewarding…

The Memory Momentum Planner makes it all addictive!

Together, these resources free you up to understand the secret cycles of your personal energy and true passions so you can “systematize” your life.

That means that you can stop “putting out fires” day after day as you leap from one emergency to the next.

You’ll get all the tools you need plus the follow-up that will keep you aligned with a commitment to goals that you’ve finally been able to create the right way for once in your life.

And you’ll keep moving steadily towards those goals, knocking them down one by one.

Because this training material is so powerful, there’s no way I’m letting any of it get lost on your hard drive. The Memory Connection and the Memory Momentum Planner are professionally produced resources you wont’ be able to ignore.

Here’s more of what’s included when you order today:

If You Care About The Health Of Your Memory And Brain…

The value here is seriously over-the-top.

The results you’ll gain as a result of reading The Memory Connection and using my Memory Momentum Planner will easily pay you back hundreds (probably thousands) times your meager investment as you rapidly increase your knowledge about everything you could ever hope to know.


Look at it this way — the cost is a painless drop in the bucket compared to how much money you’ll spend on things that won’t have a significant difference in your life.

For little more than what amounts to mere pennies a day spread across the next year, you can improve your memory with the ongoing support of my Memory Momentum Planner.

Instead of being helpless, you’ll learn how to help yourself by finally evolving to become that structured individual you’ve always wanted to be, know and admire.

And because using memory techniques is such a game changer for anyone serious about improving their performance at school or in their profession, that’s why…


You Simply Can’t Afford Not To Invest In This Life-Changing Book and Memory Momentum Planner!

Yes! Send Me The Memory Connection With Access To Your Memory Momentum Planner!

Access everything immediately and achieve fantastic breakthroughs that help you improve your memory and keep track of everything in your memory – just like the world’s perfect search engine.

When you invest in this comprehensive memory subscription today you’ll receive…

#1) The Memory Connection – You’ll get receive a digital copy of this book delivered in a private membership area. This is the ultimate step-by-step guide to using my proven memory techniques so you can skyrocket your ability to memorize anything.

#2)The MMM Newsletter Back-Catalog. Never be caught lacking inspiration, motivation or ideas for memory exercise again. This a goldmine of tips, tricks and powerful insights for the serious learner.

#3) The Memory Momentum Planner. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to step up your game if you want to make it to the next level in life. These exclusive templates and the accompanying video course will help make sure that you can finally get a grip on life and succeed as the architect of your future.

#4) The Magnetic Memory Method “Memory Stick” Packed With Goodies From The Archives – That’s right. When you subscribe, you’ll receive the entire back catalog of the original run of the Magnetic Memory Method “Digital Amnesia” Newsletter (over 1000 pages of hard-hitting memory tips, tricks, stories and history).

#5) “Magnetic Seal of Approval” Insights From My Favorite Books – Experience incredible insights into the best memory books available on the market. I’ll help you tap into the power of books you’ve read before but couldn’t fully understand and introduce you to new books you’ll never learn from otherwise.

#6) Exclusive Discounts and First Access To New Trainings – I constantly add new value based on YOUR feedback. You’ll have first dibs on everything new, all at a hefty discount.

It’s easy to get started right away.

Just click the button below, enter your information and that’s it.

Your access to The Memory Connection and access to the Memory Momentum Planner will be sent to you immediately.

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Stop Digital Amnesia From Ruining Your Brain!


Yours sincerely,

Anthony Metivier

P.S. Just think!

As I help heal your brain, you’ll never again suffer through the pain and hassle of forgetting – or even think of it in quite the same way. You can finally have the techniques you need practically handed to you on a silver platter with accountability delivered directly to your door in a way you can’t ignore.

Click here now to order The Memory Connection and the Memory Momentum Planner.