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I’m so delighted that you’ve joined this exclusive Correspondence Mini-Course. Please take a moment to read all of the information below. 🙂

Thank you so much for joining me on this powerful learning experience! When I started using this simpler and easier version of the Memory Palace technique, everything got faster and easier.

The best part? Using traditional Memory Palaces got much better too.

To get started, please check your inbox after you finished reading this page.

(The first lesson should arrive in between 5-10 minutes from now)

To ensure delivery and that you always have access to the course, please:

1) White list my email address (or look in your spam/promo folder and drag the message to your inbox to train the robots where to send these powerful lessons).

2) Create a folder in your email program called “Magnetic Memory Method”. That will make it even easier to find all the lessons in the future.

That’s it for now.

Let me know if you have any questions meanwhile and I send many warm and Magnetic greetings from the Magnetic Memory Method Headquarters under the Australian sun.

I can’t wait to see your first assignments on the forum!

Talk soon! 🙂


Memory Detective Jr Book Cover Mystery of the Magnetic Numbers

P.S. The image above is a sneak peek glance at my first book for kids.

It will be available soon, and I hope the young learners in your family will love it. But…

It’s not quite ready yet. That’s because I’m putting together something extra-special for the “League of Extraordinary Parents.”

If in the meantime, you like innovative memory improvement experiences, you might like to check out my first “Memory Detective” novel.

Just be warned. What I’m about to show you is for adults only.

What’s this “Memory Detective” novel all about?

Well, I wrote Flyboy for adult learners who want more access to the great memory tradition in the form of a gripping story.

It’s an action-packed portrait of how a real-life detective would really use memory techniques to solve a crime.

And the story has puzzles, such as the meaning of the title. There are also the puzzles created by the villain, which are also (mostly) based on problems real-life baddies create using modern technology.

Overall, Flyboy represents mnemonics in the way I always wanted to read about them in the Sherlock Holmes stories.

So when you’re ready…

Click or tap here now for a quick introduction to Detective David Williams and his mentor, Jerome, the world’s only blind memory champion.

I think you’re going to love this epic tale of how one detective healed his chronic forgetting and learned to use memory techniques to save lives.

Flyboy paperback cover
{tcb_current_year} Anthony Metivier. All rights Reserved
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